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[求助] deform 计算不收敛



发表于 2013-8-16 10:52:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
之前没有碰到过这个问题 这次是自己输入的流动应力曲线(其他弹性模量、泊松比等是复制相近材料的参数)0 G# g" e, M% e: U' i. g
计算到后期 提示
- E0 d1 F. P; a2 H7 c' |! u******WARNING******5 y  f7 ]3 @# d! I% o& v* ~
说是不收敛 我试了细化网格和增加单位步长 但还是不行* q7 {0 A& ?+ _4 V0 {5 f# @5 R
倒是发现应力应变有问题 计算停滞时的数据显示 应力最大处居然有10000+MPa 这肯定不对. F- `/ v: ]9 `
请高手帮忙看下造成这个问题的因为可能是什么 不甚感激
6 K! U- N# O. {' X& J 2.jpg



你自己输入流动应力之后才出现这种问题,其余均采用相似材料物性。我建议你把该相似材料的流动应力deform中的曲线找出来比较下,看看是不是你单位输入有问题,或是数据偏差比较大。如果不求模拟精度十分准确还是建议在deform数据库中选取相近材料模拟。虽然数据库中的数据可能不太全,但是外部文献或是试验数据的输入应该是deform的高级应用了(在输入时一定要关注单位)出现问题不奇怪。例子:我在理论文献中找到的换热系数就和大 ...
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-26 15:09
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    发表于 2013-8-16 10:52:29 | 显示全部楼层


    参与人数 1热加工币 +20 收起 理由
    liaoqianmao + 20



     楼主| 发表于 2013-8-16 12:03:44 | 显示全部楼层
    回复 2# 耷耷有猪猪 ; X. i  f7 m% K! @& e
    1 i& D; q% c  K

    - \6 Q0 y3 q! G, r# d 材料的试验数据和软件确实有出入 这也是我要输入流动应力曲线的原因# G; N- X. h! Y- `% f; x
    在输入数据绘制曲线时确实没有看到单位显示 - R, _9 C7 e6 O4 T( W
    如果是按照默认单位MPA 流动应力在几十到200MPA 应该是正常的
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-26 15:09
  • 签到天数: 127 天

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    发表于 2013-8-16 15:13:59 | 显示全部楼层
    回复 3# liaoqianmao " U0 x) b5 E  H' O# I% T
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-26 15:09
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    发表于 2013-8-16 15:36:07 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 耷耷有猪猪 于 2013-8-16 15:57 编辑
    + w. N, L; W7 @1 G# c+ |6 r/ n$ h3 i) o; x
    我的意思是你先比较下软件中的自带和你输入的区别。我看了一下软件中9cr1mo应变率0.001、 850℃对应的80 93 104 114 114 118 118其中温度有850,1000,1100,1200.应变率0.001、1、100分别组合。楼主你首先确认下这个力是不是在同一数量级,看你表述几十到200和软件中带的相差不大。再确认你的数据是对应几个温度的是不是完全包括了整个锻造温度?再确认你的数据是不是针对不同应变率的。如果你设置的这些都是正确的,在去找是不是操作的上的问题。验证操作问题你可以做一个简单的镦粗,利用你输入的材料数据,看看是不是还会不收敛。貌似和你选择的塑流应力模型也有关系,但那个我确实不懂帮不到你。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-26 15:09
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    发表于 2013-8-16 15:49:59 | 显示全部楼层
    另外我去网络上帮你查找相似问题有一种解决方案供你参考:用deform模拟反挤压过程,使用到的自己的曲线,一开始我把材料的属性定义的太多了,才出现(前处理建模后运行时总提示******WARNING******5 \* e/ A  C7 O5 t: p
    SOLUTION DOES NOT CONVERGE WITHIN THE LIMITS),之后只是输入实验所得曲线,把其他材料参数去掉就没问题了,问题现在解决了
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-14 14:09
  • 签到天数: 61 天

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    发表于 2013-8-16 16:04:09 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2013-8-17 22:49:29 | 显示全部楼层
    0 q; J  _+ n+ E$ k$ m0 s4 Q; ]6 T可能和几何模型stl的输入精度有关系,deform做出来的东西可能在局部形成缺肉或坏点,建议简化模型(模角简化,取对称部分)来试下,或者尝试下网格的局部细划分.- |7 T" A9 o, l  W* \
    或者试下缩小在properties选项中的Average stainrate 和limiting strain rate(默认值为1,0.01),(0.01,0.0001)


    参与人数 1热加工币 +40 收起 理由
    liaoqianmao + 40



     楼主| 发表于 2013-8-26 12:53:19 | 显示全部楼层
    回复 8# xp8879979 3 U) _$ z# c# K' X! @
    0 N! i& q; d, e' z! v- p& k$ D

    # F" F4 X% |# a- W( c  K' o    观察了几天 最有可能是存在速度奇异点  
    7 m- m7 Y  ?6 s! H本来速度是平稳的 一旦出现某个点速度极大的情况 就计算不下去了  一直在重划网格 模具也走不动了 2 U  l3 A! n0 E7 I& x# E$ ^* ^4 j
    也有例外 自动重划了几次网格后(这要花很长时间) 又恢复正常了
    + @4 F2 a- P% }. q: V网格重划我基本没设置 都是按照默认
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-26 15:09
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    发表于 2013-8-26 13:54:25 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 14:29:11 | 显示全部楼层
    硬下心来看了看英文帮助 发现产生这个问题的原因还是有很多 . W5 ]- u9 c* U; c2 n1 m
    看来还要继续研究 参数设置要有依据 尽量避免这种问题
      d' ~9 c8 B8 e5 O谢谢大家' s& X. c# q( B5 ~
    3.9.6.  Solution does not converge
    $ N4 n4 }; S  r# H+ ZThere are several common reasons for a solution not converging. - u. Z( d% r5 U; }  T; x. e* x

    ( Q4 {5 y0 x1 o6 i1.
    9 U: \! r; O% J0 A* G4 Z- R; o7 D. n( u- t
    The material has a large rigid body motion. Much of the deforming body has a very low strain rate or is rigid.
    / D1 N1 J- i% p+ ~% t8 w9 R& c+ S/ r! ]' N7 m. g( e+ \: E. B) o
    2. 2 n) k8 L) r) c! R0 m
    # S0 u; v  H& p2 r
    The material is not strain rate sensitive.
    . j5 i* ]! [- R/ e# _/ G' }1 C. F8 P  P( @* }* u* r
    3. 4 C' q: ]* I. r

    9 A  i* P* e: ?: NElasto-plastic material is undergoing large deformation or has an inappropriate initial guess.
    3 G& {/ k0 R9 J+ ~
    ' @9 [+ i8 Z9 x1 Y8 j0 j" aIn cases where a problem will not converge, the following checklist should help with the troubleshooting process. This will help with the most common cases. 3 s7 j: F9 x- [9 L
    - T; k) [! }7 [
    Ÿ         Increase your Force Norm or Velocity Norm up to one order of magnitude. The Force Norm may in fact be raised as high as .1 or even eliminated for a few steps. This should not lead to significant error, but could result in reduced accuracy of load calculations. If convergence is improved, allow the simulation to run for 3 or 4 steps, then try reducing the settings to their original values. 4 b' K$ l: D3 q( O+ S3 ]0 @
    + {' o6 n7 ^1 w9 ?. N
    Ÿ         If the simulation is being run with principal die movement under load or energy control, run a couple of steps under speed control to allow the solution to stabilize before continuing under the original mode.
    ' E- f2 ~9 a; w7 g; S( G
    8 F% V  e, p# S. L6 W, dŸ         Increase your limiting strain rate to 1/50 or 1/100 of the average strain rate. This should not cause any significant effect on solution accuracy. If you have an extremely difficult case to converge, this value may be lowered to 1/10 of the average strain rate for a few steps, then reset to a more normal value. Over the years, we have recommended that the limiting strain rate should be 1/100 to 1/1000 of the average strain rate. If this value is set too low, it will result in an artificially lower load calculation.
    % e; K! Y  Y2 X0 f
    " l; n  `7 t- A' W# K+ ]Ÿ         Check your material data versus your process conditions to insure that no "strange" material properties are being passed to the FEM engine. Be particularly aware of extrapolation issues. For example, if your process conditions are in an area that is outside of the defined flow stress region, this "reverse strain rate sensitivity" create a problem that is almost impossible to allow DEFORM to converge on an accurate solution. This may be handled by re-evaluating your raw data and adjusting it as required. Since it is highly unlikely that a material has a lower flow stress at a higher strain rate, the common cause for this type of data is the lack of an adiabatic heating correction. In other words, adiabatic heating at the higher strain rates artificially heated and softened the material causing an apparently lower flow stress. If no clear cause can be determined, find data that does not exhibit this reverse strain rate sensitivity.
    : ~! I6 ~7 v9 k. y! x# C9 N4 n
    ; f* W# Q% _1 a3 n7 BŸ         Lower your penalty constant of plastic objects to 250,000 to 500,000 using a constant value (PENVOL). This may lead to volume loss if the value is much lower than 100,000 for typical engineering materials.
    4 L' u7 f3 S3 [9 k$ }, s
    % u- {3 G. H. W$ z! c! tŸ         Reduce your time step. This advice applies particularly for elastic-plastic materials. A very small time step can frequently allow the DEFORM system to get through a tough region of convergence. After a large number of nodes are in contact with dies and the simulation is in progress, a larger time step can be resumed. This may be accomplished through either controlling the time step or a control modifier that will lead to substepping such as DEMAX. 4 E! {/ }( _) w$ D# ~- B7 s
    9 t: A; }: @: n# l, f
    Ÿ         Change the initial guess calculation method. Refer to Object  Properties for a discussion of EP Initial Guess. ! H+ B7 b0 k6 c  S
    5 H  l( s' `$ z4 E5 Y* c& }
    Ÿ         In the case of cold materials that exhibit little to no strain rate sensitivity, this is one of the hardest cases to gain convergence. In fact there should be a very slight strain rate sensitivity even in the cold forging world. A user may help with convergence by creating an artificial strain rate sensitivity. This is not far from reality and may be done by adding a data set of flow stress at a higher strain rate with slightly higher flow stress data. See Figure 11.2 for an idea of how to handle this type of issue.
    % k$ g. _2 f( w9 X  F' p+ i$ `
    & U; n7 M: l, |8 ?. UŸ         In a few cases, convergence problems can be caused by a course mesh in an area with high local deformation, such as under the corner of a punch during a piercing operation. In these cases, generate a finer mesh and set the remeshing criteria to have a higher bias towards boundary curvature and strain rate
  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 08:06
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    发表于 2021-2-13 11:44:24 | 显示全部楼层
    Change the initial guess calculation method. Refer to Object  Properties for a discussion of EP Initial Guess.
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